Disclosure Policy
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- Disclosure Policy
Basic Policy
Fuji Pharma Co., Ltd., promotes activities to help all stakeholders, not just shareholders and investors, acquire a better understanding of the Company and what it does. The Company undertakes timely and accurate disclosure of pertinent corporate information so that stakeholders are able to properly evaluate the Company and its business pursuits.
Standard of Disclosure
The Company emphasizes transparency, fairness and consistency in its efforts to disclose information as expediently as possible, in compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law and other relevant laws, as well as securities listing regulations established by the stock exchange where the Company's shares are listed.
Furthermore, the Company seeks to be proactive and fair in the disclosure of other information, not necessarily required by law or securities listing regulations but which management deems to be of use to shareholders and investors, and presents such information to the extent such disclosure is permitted.
Method of Disclosure
In accordance with securities listing regulations, the Company discloses information pertaining to material facts described under such regulations through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
The Company also strives to provide other information, which may not necessarily be required by laws and regulations but which could influence investment decisions, and does so quickly through appropriate methods and as necessary, reflecting the importance and urgency of disclosure.
Quiet Period
To prevent unauthorized disclosure of financial results prior to official announcement and to preserve the integrity of such information, the Company observes a quiet period of several weeks before the public release of business results. During this period, the Company refrains from making comments or answering questions concerning the upcoming financial results. However, should it prove necessary to substantially revise performance expectations during the quiet period and the differences between the new and previous forecasts fall within a certain range established under securities listing regulations, the Company will disclose information as appropriate through such means as press releases.
Forward-Looking Statements
The disclosure of information other than historical facts constitutes forward-looking statements which are based on assumptions formed by management with information available at the time of disclosure. Such statements involve elements of risk and uncertainty associated with but not limited to such factors as economic conditions, market trends and revisions to tax rules and miscellaneous systems. Consequently, actual results could differ considerably from forward-looking statements.