Group Policy Group Policy

Human Rights Policy

We respect the human rights, personality, and individuality of others based on the compliance policy, do not unfairly discriminate or harass others, and build a better society and workplace.

  1. Prohibition of unfair discrimination, harassment, etc.
    1. ① We do not discriminate or harass anyone based on race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, beliefs/ideas, sexual preference, educational background, disability, disease, etc. inside and outside the Company.
    2. ② We respect the personality of workers and never accept harassment (sexual harassment, power harassment, etc.) in the workplace so that we can create a comfortable work environment.
  2. Compliance with the labor law and initiatives for safety and health
    1. ① We comply with labor-related laws and regulations, prevent industrial accidents, and endeavor to promote the health of employees.
    2. ② We always pay attention to the health of our employees.
    3. ③ We create a safe and healthy work environment and a comfortable working environment.
    4. ④ We are committed to safe driving during work, commuting, etc. and do not drive if we drink alcohol or are not feeling well.
  3. Conducting a fair personnel evaluationWe always implement a fair personnel evaluation for employees using a well-defined evaluation method.